You're probably sick of the sight of check blazers by now but just in case you're not, here's another one. Oh, and I've thrown in a pair of tassels earrings too just to add to the cliché. I think it's quite a random thing to become popular though, one exact style and pattern of jacket. But anyway I'm not complaining because I just love this one. I had to wait a while for it to come back in stock but when it did it just so happened to occur alongside a nice little 25% off promotion. Quite often if I see something I like I'll put off ordering it until I can find a discount code - I'm turning into such a stingy old woman! I'd had my eye on this t-shirt too so that was swiftly added to my basket too. It's pretty simple but I just love me some brunch so I had to have it! I bought these jeans a few months ago, I think they're a bit of an acquired taste. I love the tassels, even though every time they move and brush my leg I jump because I think there's a spider on me...
This is a pretty basic outfit but sometimes that's just what works best. Everything is from New Look, apart from the boots which were my pride and joy from River Island last winter. They're looking fairly worn out and cracked now but I hope I'll get another winter out of them at least. I've linked the items and alternatives below - which piece is your favourite?
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